Faucet Listing Website - In the article, we will show how you can earn up to $50 everyday by creating a faucet listing website.

We have generated over $5,000 in last year from our Faucet listing website. Now we are ready to share our strategy with you.

Faucet Listing Website (Demo): Click Here

What Is Faucet Listing?

Faucet listing is a method of earning passive income by listing top faucets in one place using your referral links of all faucets.

When the user joins from your referral links, you will get recurring commissions from the faucets.

Thus, you can easily earn up to $100 every day by listing 50-100 faucets with your referral link to get unlimited commission from your referrals.


Here are some results from our faucet listing website -

Other Benefits

You can also earn extra money from display advertising on faucet listing website.


We will create a faucet listing website with a 'search' feature by listing 50 best faucets with referral links & display ads that will generate passive income.

We are going to create a faucet listing website using blogger.com

Blogger.com is a Google platform that allows users to create, write, and publish blogs & websites.

You can create website from mobile device as well as desktop. We recommend you to use laptop or desktop for convenience.

Follow Steps Below:

Step 1: Go to ‘Google Chrome’ & select ‘Blogger


Visit directly - https://blogger.com

Step 2: Choose name of your website

Step 3: Choose unique address of your website

Step 4: Choose display name of your website & click on ‘Finish

This is how your Dashboard will look like -

Step 5: Click on ‘Theme

Step 6: Click on ‘Arrow

Step 7: Switch to ‘Classic theme

Step 8: Select: ‘Switch Without A Backup

Step 9: Again click on ‘Arrow

Step 10: Click on ‘Change Navbar

Step 11: Turn off NavBar & click on ‘Save

Step 12: Click on ‘Edit HTML

Step 13: Replace all code with the provided Source Code ( below)

Step 14: Click on ‘Save

Step 15: Go to Dashboard & click on ‘Settings

Step 16: Turn on these Lazy Load & WebP Image Serving

Step 17: Go to Dashboard & click on ‘Visit Blog

Your website will look like this but it is not ready as your next step is to place your Referral links of all 50 faucets

Step 18: Again click on ‘Edit HTML

Step 19: Carefully replace all the URLs with your referral links.

Joining links of all 50 Faucets are given inside the Source Code.

Lines: 140, 424, 433, 444, and so on…

Step 20: If you want additional earnings, then join pop-up ad networks and replace the codes as given - 

Lines: 974 and 977